I have been using SASS in my latest project & I have to say its pretty AWESOME! , the CSS code is nicely structured and organized into multiple files using OO CSS principles (Maybe i’ll write about this in another article)
I Just want to showcase what you can do using SASS
Creating Elegant Buttons With Only One Color To Generate
What i wanna do is pretty simple and similar to whats happening in bootstrap , It will consist of a base button class
<a class="my-btn">My Button</a>
This class gives our button two things
- The structure that we want to use (width, height, fone-size) and
- A default skin (orange in our case) with all its different states (hover, disabled)
and whenever we want to create a different skin we will write our html to be like
<a class="my-btn my-btn-primary">My Button</a>
will override the default skin cased by .my-btn
(will produce a blue button in our case)
Our code is organized to 3 sections
- Color definition variables
- Mixins ( you can read about it here)
- Our SASS rules
Here is the final SASS Code for making the buttons
/* Colors */
$btn-danger: #da4f49;
$btn-default: #f96b2d;
$btn-primary: #3196cb;
$btn-grey: #999;
$btn-grey-hover: #777;
$btn-color: white;
/* Mixins */
@mixin btn-theme($btn-color) {
background: $btn-color;
border-color: darken($btn-color, 10%);
@mixin btn-theme-hover($btn-color, $hover-color: '') {
@if $hover-color == '' {
$hover-color: saturate($btn-color, 10%);
$hover-color: darken($hover-color, 10%);
background: $hover-color;
border-color: darken($btn-color, 20%);
@mixin btn-theme-disabled($btn-color) {
background: lighten($btn-color, 20%);
border-color: lighten($btn-color, 10%);
/* Primary button class with default color (orange) */
.my-btn {
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 20px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 5px 12px;
border-radius: 4px;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid;
color: $btn-color;
@include btn-theme($btn-default);
.my-btn:hover {
color: $btn-color;
text-decoration: none;
@include btn-theme-hover($btn-default);
.my-btn.disabled:hover {
-webkit-user-select: none;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: not-allowed;
opacity: 0.65;
@include btn-theme-disabled($btn-default);
/* Different versions of the button (extending) */
.my-btn.my-btn-primary {
@include btn-theme($btn-primary);
.my-btn.my-btn-primary:hover {
@include btn-theme-hover($btn-primary);
.my-btn.my-btn-primary.disabled:hover {
@include btn-theme-disabled($btn-primary);
.my-btn.my-btn-grey {
@include btn-theme($btn-grey);
.my-btn.my-btn-grey:hover {
@include btn-theme-hover($btn-grey, $btn-grey-hover);
.my-btn.my-btn-grey.disabled:hover {
@include btn-theme-disabled($btn-grey);
.my-btn.my-btn-danger {
@include btn-theme($btn-danger);
.my-btn.my-btn-danger:hover {
@include btn-theme-hover($btn-danger);
.my-btn.my-btn-danger.disabled:hover {
@include btn-theme-disabled($btn-danger);
As you can see to add a new button all you have to add is a set of rules (for different states) for the button and include the mixins for generating the different states colors by passing it the color that you want
What I really loved about this is two things Compass & Optional Parameters in Mixins
Compass which is is a framework built on top of SASS that provides extra functionality and built in functions (darken()
, lighten()
, saturate()
). In our example we were able to use only one color to generate a button with the use of compass functionality , we lightened the border color using lighten($color, percentage)
function and also on hover we darkened & saturated the background color a little using darken($color, percentage)
& saturate($color, percentage)
The second feature i was talking about is optional parameters for mixins, in our example the hover mixin worked pretty fine for all colors except with grey, saturate method will produce a weird background color for the button, for that i rewrote the mixin to include an optional 2nd parameter, if you passed it, it will use that color instead of applying the darken & saturate functions
@mixin btn-theme-hover($btn-color, $hover-color: '') {
@if $hover-color == '' {
$hover-color: saturate($btn-color, 10%);
$hover-color: darken($hover-color, 10%);
background: $hover-color;
border-color: darken($btn-color, 20%);
That’s about it, I really love the transition from writing CSS to just make it work to realizing that it too must be structured and written well to make a more reusable, maintainable CSS, and SASS is a very nice addition that will help you work in that direction